Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekly Blog #16- Mentor Visits

On Friday, I conducted my first mentor visit with Mr. Arellano! We went over a general outline for the next months leading up to Original Work, Final Presentation Night, and Final Product. Starting today, I will look into learning C++ to use for controlling circuits and as part of my SMART goals, I will watch one or two lectures per week (or chapters in a textbook) and will use the content to ask questions/discuss with Mr. Arellano. Besides short-term goals and technical knowledge, I hope to apply this foundation to my final product. Mr. Arellano suggested using C++ to program a function with circuit boards, which I could acquire through companies that may be willing to donate extra products. Along the process, he suggested that I keep track of my budget and schedule with an earned value management system, which could demonstrate my organization throughout the development of my final product. The main purpose behind my final product should be focused on finding a unique way to use circuit boards, and not just learn about them.

In terms of Original Work, Mr. Arellano is on board with my oscilloscope lab! I'm still finding more sources to analyze (such as an outlet, microphone, and phone) and looking for more potential applications. I am excited to see what my mentorship has to offer, and what I can gain from these short- and long-term goals. However, even with 1st semester over, I must remember to stay on top of homework and self-studying in order to receive the best results.

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