Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekly Blog #4- Interview 1

Next time I go to UTD, I'll make sure to bring an extra pair of shoes to walk in. Last Tuesday, I went on my first research interview! Though my feet hurt from walking down Rutford Avenue, this experience was invaluable as I received insight beyond the scope of my interview questions.

One piece of advice Dr. Panahi explained to me was that investing in my field of study, rather than branching myself out too wide, would help me focus and excel in my path. His advice made me reconsider my future path in college; as much as I enjoy all the various extracurricular activities I'm involved in, I still need to remember that my primary focus should be on my major. As he wisely remarked, it would be better to excel at and have passion for one field than to not excel at any field.

I received lots of information in this interview, but I also received some inspiration simply from perceiving Dr. Panahi's passion for his work and support for his students (he couldn't think of an answer to "What are the most challenging aspects of your job?"). Tomorrow, I have another interview scheduled at SMU, and I hope to gain even more insight into this field. I definitely learned a lot more about preparation and conduct this past week, and hope to better communicate with professionals.

More information on interviews can be found at Interview Assessments.

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